Sunday, November 9, 2008


So the whole world is heading towards a recession and the news is full of doom and gloom as people are worried about making ends meet. There are going to be tough times ahead so now is the time to get going. IGGT is going to be leading the way.

Some things are outwith our control so do not worry about them,concentrate on matters that you can change and influence. If you need money find some extra income, look through your your house and you are bound to find items that you no longer use or need, so why not sell them. What about all the items in your loft or garage that are taking up space.

Times are tought but because I get going today(IGGT) i am taking postive action to reduce ongoing utility bills, Switching off lights, turning down the heating or air conditioning wil all save you money. I live in a hot country but use natures air condition by opening windows, supportd by a fan on windless days, rather than running air conditioning units. Recently I switched off a bedroom fan and reduced my electric bill by 10%.

David Ogden - Internet Marketing Mentor
Skype Seadogs11