Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Get going Today -Fishing For Customers

What is the best way to build a business, most home based business owners go fishing for customers on the Internet.

First they prepare their bait, a web age or web capture page to attract potential customers. once the bait is prepared they cast ii out by usings FREEFFAS or web page submitters, classified adds,forums and traffic sites.

Then they sit and wait and wait

Then a strike a potential customers completes a contact form and then the business owner has a fight on their hands to land the catch, often the contact form will contain false information and your catch will slip away, at other times the potential customer is no use to you so you have to put them back

The problem arises if you are relying on customers to provide food for your business. when you take into account the amount of time an effort it takes to catch the right fish you might as well go to the fish market and buy one there.

The business that I run has adopted the same attitude, rather than search for potential customers in a big pool, I let someone else do that and then buy from them, that way I can guarantee the customer is what I want.

Take a look at Tomorrows Home Based Business and you will see what I mean

David Ogden