The Majority of American have a weight problem and the situation is getting worse. to blame is the fast food industry and the fact that Children play video and computer games instead of the real thing. Its all too easy for the family to grab a quick takeaway, rather than spend a little time cooking a healthy meal. Try looking on Google there are 21 Million entries for lose weight USA, compared with 129 Million for fast food.
Getting fit and improving your looks and lifestyle, takes just a few minutes of effort on a daily basis and within a short time it will become part part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth or going to work.
One major stumbling block is your mind, the minute you start thinking its will not work you are setting yourself up for failure. Start by setting yourself and easy goal such as exercising 3 times a week for 20 minutes. do not Worry how intense the work is you can build that up in time and also add further sessions.
If you are looking to lose weight again set up some realistic goals draw up a plan and stick to it. You need to be disciplined and strong willed and it will be hard in the beginning. you will need both an exercise and a diet plan for fast weight loss.
Some people like to exercise in the comfort of their own home, other prefer to socialise with others at a health club or gym where they can share experiences and tips. Going to Weight Watchers and other clubs can help provide motivation to reach your goals. There are even online virtual gyms where you can interact via a computer whilst you exercise, or afterwards and even get training and diet advice.
Never use time as an excuse not to do something, you can always make time if its important, and what is more important than your health. The best time to exercise is in the morning so why not get up a little early. Exercise for 20-30 minutes before eating a healthy breakfast. Remember, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, to start your metabolism working. Eating Breakfast will help you burn calories all morning.
David Ogden- Helping People Help Themselves
Health and Fitness Coach
phone 1-386-308-1956 After 6PM EST
Skype seadogs11