Saturday, March 21, 2009

Health and Fitness USA

Health And Fitness USA - The number one reason for not being fit and healthy in the USA is lack of time. I often hear,"I just don’t have enough time to workout, but I understand the importance". There are 168 hours in a week. There is plenty of time- the major question is how important is your health and fitness? What are you willing to do to make fitness a part of your life instead of something you only wish for in your life?

How much time do you think you need to spend on working out on a daily basis to maintain your fitness, if I told you ten minutes of workout would keep you fit and 20 minutes would improve your fitness, I am sure you would make the time to improve your lifestyle.

Twenty minutes, some people chat on the phone for more than that and does that return any benefit. No. Twenty minutes of aerobic exercise will burn both fat and sugar the more intense the exercise the less fat is burnt. So 20 minutes of walking will burn a higher proportion of fat than running.

Twenty minutes of walking will also improve your memory according to researchers from the West Australian Centre for Health and Ageing (WACHA) based at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) has shown that regular physical activity can lead to a lasting improvement in memory function., so do you need more incentives?

If it’s cold enough outside — you certainly don’t need to catch one. Moderate exercise is a great way to boost your immune system and help your body fight off cold bugs and other germs, you have a 22% less chance of falling ill if you exercise.

Exercise helps your body burn calories faster than dieting alone. Walking 15 to 20 minutes most days of the week will help control your weight.

David Ogden

Health and Fitness Coach


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