Friday, January 18, 2013

Slow Life in the Philippines

Planning To Move - Sometime

We have discovered that it is very difficult to ship packages from the Philippines If you use conventional removers or even Courier companies you end up paying through the nose. Inwards shipping is not so difficult as you can use the balikbayan box system from virtually any country where Filipinos are working and shipping rates are very low.

Yesterday I discovered I was not alone and others are having the same difficulty. One guy in Manila has even set up his own business to help people out. We approached a local packer and he suggested using the local postal service which can ship parcels weight up to 31.5 K, the only drawback being shipping by sea to Cyprus will take around 3 months.

We are bow having a rethink on our strategy and are considering carefully what we plan to ship, where items cost more to ship than we can purchase new.

We are getting really frustrated with officialdom in the Philippines it seems Jasmins paper work is at least another week away, this will have a knock on effect on our whole schedule and I can see us not being able to leave the country until May which is cutting very short to enable us to raise paperwork to visit the UK to celebrate my fathers 100 Birthday.

The Spanish I think invented the word Manjana and of course they colonised the area so its understandable that the locals just are not in a hurry to do anything other than sleep.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge