Adventure racing is a popular sport which developed in France and America and has since spread around the world.
There are a number of different formats for both teams and individuals and the main rule is no motor powered sports are included. A race comprises of a number of stages and each stage is a different sport, so you might start the race in a kayak and then change at a transition point to running and perhaps end with inline skating. adventure racing is similar to triathlon or Iron man competitions, but usually longer and harder.
Beginners usually start with sprint races which last a few hours and may include sports such as running, kayaking, mountain biking, inline skating,swimming. In a team race all the team usually take part at the same time and must stay together, incomplete teams at the finish are disqualified. Teams are given a number of check points which they have to pass through so you do need to have some navigation skills.
Some races take place over a weekend, which means racing in the dark and these might include additional tasks such as orienteering, abseiling. climbing.
The ultimate adventure races are expedition type races lasting 5-10 days or more for teams of 4 people one of whom has to be female, sometimes with support crew to move equipment from place to place and sometimes unsupported. The multiple legs will often include additional sports such as horse riding, white-water rafting caving, sailing and other sports. The races are often non stop in that teams will decide themselves when to rest.
Expedition racing is expensive and needs a lot of planning especially if they require travelling to another country.
If you want to learn more about adventure racing you can check out my site at
David Ogden